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How to wear boots in Summer for women?

While boot styles tend to trend in the fall, you can also wear them in the warmer months. From dressing down a fun maxi dress to upgrading a smart casual look, styling ankle boots is easy with the right accessories.

When choosing how to wear boots in warm weather, remember to keep it simple and don’t be afraid to go bold.

Pro tip: Don’t hesitate to pair your Timberlands with light-wash denim.

Wondering how to style work boots or combat boots? What about knee-high boots? From breezy days at the beach to a night out with friends, let’s explore what to wear with your new favorite Timberlands this season.


Yes. Boots can easily refresh your summer wardrobe when worn well. The key is to pair your shoes with light layers that won’t trap heat. Trade your heels for a pair of desert boots for a new take on a timeless look.

Don’t toss your boots into storage just because summer’s coming. While sandals, flats, or heels might be your go-to as temperatures heat up, boots offer your feet more protection, and a crepe rubber sole can even keep your toes cooler than some sneakers. Boots of various heights, colors, and even styles can pair effortlessly with short sleeves and shorts.

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Yes. Chelsea boots are a great summer boot because of their ankle height and durable construction. A clean-cut design coordinates well with a range of outfits without clashing. From a pair of jeans to a jumpsuit, these shoes can level up your look.

When choosing what to wear with Chelsea boots, pay close attention to color. While black boots go well with black or light-washed denim, Timberland’s brown Chelsea boots are a better bet for skirts and shorter dresses. Tan Chelsea boots pair well with black jeans, light wash jeans, and select mid-wash options.

Wait, but can you wear Chukka boots in the summer? Yes, the same style rules apply to dress shoes as well as more casual boots with rubber soles. The Timberland Nellie Waterproof Chukka Boots, for example, pair well with darker denim and summer dresses alike.

RELATED CONTENT: How to cuff your pants with Timberland footwear.


The best way to style boots in the warmer weather is to keep it simple, wear comfortable socks, and choose lightweight accessories to round out the look.

Wondering what to wear with boots in the summer? No matter your personal style, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Black ankle boots with denim shorts are a must: Black ankle boots will complement any light-wash denim, specially textured denim shorts with a frayed hem.

  • Lace-up boot & a skirt: Pair white or tan lace-up boots with a cute skirt set or short dress in the summer.

  • Straight-legged jeans & a t-shirt: Always pair your Timberland work boots with darker denim. We recommend straight-legged chinos or skinny jeans and a crisp white t-shirt for a classic look. Layer a navy blazer or bomber jacket for cooler nights out.


Wear summer dresses with knee boots or ankle boots for a fresh take. Keep an eye out for key elements, including the length of the dress, the weather, as well as the style of socks you wear with them.

Here are a few summer dress and boot combinations to try this year:

  • Add some edge with a work boot: If you're looking to style your new Timberlands, the Original Yellow Boot pairs well with virtually any dress length. We recommend pair chunky boots with a floral or patterned mini dress. Then, round out the look with a leather jacket.

  • Keep it simple with ankle boots: The beauty of ankle boots is that they really do go with everything. Chelsea boots will easily dress up a casual spring dress, while combat boots can dress down your favorite summer skirt.

So, can you wear Timberland boots in the summer? The short answer is definitely. A pair of Timberland boots are built for any season.

Shop women’s boots at Timberland and purchase through our links to find the perfect fit for you. (Don’t forget to drop in your email address to stay in the loop on all things Timberland.)